Spec Ops are proud to support Teen Challenge. Here’s the run-down on who they are and what they do.
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Have you guys heard of Teen Challenge QLD? We first came across them a few years ago, and we’ve looked for ways to support them ever since. They’re a not-for-profit organisation that provides long-term residential treatment and rehabilitation services for young people who are struggling to overcome addiction and other life-controlling issues.
The work they do resonates with us at Spec Ops, for a couple of reasons. As a business with a primary customer base of 15-35-year-olds, we get to work with a lot of people in this age bracket who’ve been given the opportunities and support they need to flourish. As an inner-city venue, we’ve also witnessed many young people dealing with addiction and homelessness. Teen Challenge is making a concerted effort to bridge the gap between these young people, and we’re pleased to be able to help.
Here’s a little more about their approach:
“The Teen Challenge program aims to eliminate their self-destructive habits by meeting the needs of the whole person; not only dealing with the addiction, but also rebuilding their self-image, work ethic, relationships and spiritual awareness. We provide young people with a unique and rare opportunity to rebuild their lives. We have a holistic approach to their recovery which includes working with a team of professionals consisting of a General Practitioner, Psychologists, Counsellors, Dieticians and Personal Trainers. Our Teen Challenge program has a proven track record, helping young people address key issues in their lives and to instil positive lifestyle values, employability skills, financial literacy and responsibility.”
Last year, we were pleased as punch to attend the 2018 Teen Challenge Diamond Gala Dinner at Brisbane City Hall, as bronze sponsors of Teen Challenge QLD. We got out of our flight suits and into black tie for the occasion, and had a blast mingling with over 2000 other guests.
Now, you might not recognise us without the paint splatters, but it’s really us in these pics! We scrub up alright, we reckon. Literally. So many layers of paint to get off.
Until next time!
If you or anyone you know is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, call Lifeline on 131114 for help.